What is DiV?
Dead In Vinland is a survival management indie game with RPG and adventure elements.
We’ve been working on it since June 2016 and will release it on April 12th 2018, on PC and MAC, and maybe on other platforms later.
We built on the first game we released last year, called Dead In Bermuda. We kept the core gameplay, but gone further in almost all areas of the game… We are proud of what we did in DiB, but after its release we felt that if we had more time, we could have corrected many of its flaws. So we took all of our ideas, and put it in this new game.
For the players who liked DiB, we feel that DiV will be a real step higher, a totally new enjoyable experience. And for new players, don’t be afraid, you don’t really need to play DiB before DiV storywise. You’ll find DiV less hard though if you play DiB before.
So yes, we wanted DiV to be a real standalone experience, but from the beginning we also wanted to have some background story that would tie every game in the “Dead In…” series together. So in this game, for DiB players, you’ll see that you will learn A LOT more about some un-explained things of DiB. And we hope to release other “Dead In…” games in the future, to further expand this story.

Matthieu “Himrahill” is our guardian of secrets, only he knows where the story will go… Maybe. He draws his magical powers from a strange beverage made of Kola leaves and bubbles.

Thomas “Le Nain” is our rune carving shaman, solely responsible for all the bugs features of the game. Melted cheese and coffee are his main sources of energy, so he may die soon, sadly.

Jacques “Monsieur Jacques” is our cave-painter in chief. He is known in all Niflheim for making scary grunts when someone bothers him while he waves his giant badger-haired brush.

Manon is a little girl we kidnapped during one of our raid on a small, poor village. We forced her to work for us in exchange for candies, and now she paints the skulls of our enemies with cute colors.
Dead In Vinland is developed by a small dedicated team inside a (bit) larger game development studio called CCCP.
The studio has been around since 2005, and we are better known in France for making educational games (called “serious games“) for a variety of clients: public structures, SMEs, pharmaceutical companies, etc…
It’s been more than 12 years that we make diverse games, but we recently came up with the will to make games that really matter to us, games that we’d like to play ourselves and in which we put a lot of ourselves.
Our philosophy is to concentrate on SOLO, PREMIUM games for PC, with MANAGEMENT, NARRATIVE and RPG elements.
We are also fond of a time when the games were easy to play but hard to finish, and when the pleasure of discovery was one of the major element of game design.
Our main references are games like Cryo Interactive’s Dune, UFO/XCOM and Jagged Alliance series.